Once-through systems do not generate any significant plumes of water vapor and do not influence local air circulation. Wet towers release plumes that can contribute to deposition of undesirable particulates or salt onto surrounding land areas. Plants located in urban areas, near major highways, or in the flight paths of airports could create adverse impacts through fogging or icing conditions associated with plumes. These transportation-related impacts, though real, may not fall under the purview of “environmental impacts,” depending on how broadly the term “environmental” is defined by a decision-making body. Such affects may be more correctly interpreted as safety impacts. As a result of the large amount of air that must be moved through dry cooling systems, large banks of fans may affect local air circulation patterns. The authors are not aware of any research in this regard, but the issue could potentially affect windborne seed distribution and establish microclimates around the power plants. It is unknown whether these impacts would be adverse, positive, or neutral.