A refitting analysis of the flint material from Oldeholtwolde was first performed by Jan S. Krist, for his master’s thesis in 1985. The first author has expanded this work, and also created an automated file of the results under the format of the ANALITHIC programme. In this file, all artefacts from Oldeholtwolde and many of their attributes are coded, including results of the refitting and use-wear analyses. At the same time, the production and evaluation of the Oldeholtwolde refitting file served for testing the refitting module of the ANALITHIC programme, which was constructed and refined in concert with the ongoing refitting analysis. In this process, the refitter (Lykke Johansen) and the programmers (Gijsbert Boekschoten and Manfred Schweiger) had to communicate almost daily, to solve the many problems encountered during the work. (This work was done in the house of the second author-not in the Groningen Institute of Archaeology where it should have been done according to the agreements between Stapert and Reinders.)

In the Oldeholtwolde file, two separate classifications of the artefacts are coded: those made before and after the refitting. The refitting of breaks in many cases resulted in a reclassification of tools, and of course also in a substantial reduction of their numbers. All artefacts larger than 1.5 cm were included in the refitting operation. Smaller pieces were only included if they were parts of tools or if they had characteristic textures, colours, or other features which made it possible to recognize the refit group to which they belonged.