INTRODUCTION Since Braun-Menendez and a ociates (Braun-Menendez et al., 1940) fust showed that angiotonin was the pressor substance formed in canine blood during renal artery clamping, the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) ha been the topic of inten e re earch and the target of medicinal approache to control rugh blood pre sure. The half a century that has elap ed since these original di coverie has een impre sive advance in the under tanding of this hormonal y tern in both physiology and pathology. Yet, the basic biochemical pathway leading to the formation of angiotensin ll (Ang ll) ha conceptually remained unchallenged as the peptide continue to be con idered the final product of the y tern . Recently, however, a essment of the role of Ang ll in cardiova cular regulation has forced consideration of the biological actions of other angioten in fragment . This in ight arose from new methods including the synthesis of elective non-peptide receptor antagoni t to the two currently be t-characterized Ang ll receptor ubtypes .