Earthworms are one of the major soil macroinvertebrates and are known for their contributions to soil formation and turnover with their widespread global distribution. The role of earthworms in the breakdown of organic debris on the soil surface and in the soil turnover process was first highlighted by Darwin (1881). Since then, it has taken almost a century to appreciate their important contribution in curbing organic pollution and providing topsoil in impoverished lands. This realization, although late, has awakened the global population to serious thought on utilizing them for ecological benefit. By the turn of the century, earthworms’ potential as a biological tool should be much better understood to make organic farming and sustainable development a real­ ity with the use of selected species of earthworms. The number of papers pre­ sented at the session at ISEE 5 on earthworms in waste management authenti­ cates how this field of study is gaining a priority status and I should like to comment on some of these presentations.