In this chapter, we will study the properties of an important invariant of linear periodic Hamiltonian systems called Maslov index. Such an invariant will play an important role in connection with a suitably defined Morse index of periodic solutions of non-linear systems. The Maslov index is, roughly speaking, the number of half windings made by the fundamental solution of a linear Hamiltonian system in the symplectic group. Both non-degenerate systems (systems with no non-trivial periodic solutions) and degenerate ones will be examined. We point out that some authors prefer to call this invariant Conley-Zehnder index, using the term Maslov index for an integer which labels paths of Lagrangian subspaces: with this language, the invariant we study here is a special instance of the Maslov index, adapted to the case of periodic orbits. Our terminology agrees with the one used by Salamon and Zehnder in [SZ92] and by Long (see [Lon97] and the literature cited later on).