This paper discusses the development and performance of a combined system for the separation and removal of dung and liquid in piggeries. The system separates the faeces and urine, directly after production, by a filter net situated under the slats. The filter net with the faeces is removed from the pens daily. If the pigs eat wet feed, without drinking nippels,about 35% of the total production of faeces and urine is separated as a solid.Together with some wasted straw from the lying area the faeces are stackable. The strawmanure has a high fertilizer value.

The remaining liquid flows continuously to a pit outside the house and is pumped in a silo. The fertilizer value is low. Daily removal of faeces and urine promotes as well a better house climate as a lower odour emission in comparison with piggeries with underslat slurry storage. Installing this filtersystem in partly slatted floor houses straw can be used to improve animal comfort, and to reduce heating costs.

The investment for the filter net system, is related to the number of pigs and lay-out of the piggery. The investment in mechanial components can be partly offset by shallower, less expensive channels and by not installing a heating system.