An overwhelming majority of large-scale stock breeding farms built at the end of the sixties, beginning of the seventies in Hungary was operating by gravitational manure removal. Characteristic for the great amount of water usage is that on a pig farm of 10 000 head a daily amount of 150–200 m3 slurry was produced with a very low, 0.4–3 p.c. dry matter content.

The handling, disposal of the slurry was not solved, it was stored for a long time generally in large ground basins. During the storage parasites were rapidly breeding, the groundwater polluted and the environment loaded by a strong smell. For the reduction of environmental pollution the following experimental slurry handling process has been developed resulting in a powerful phase decomposition. The liquid phase a transparent, clear, practically odourless liquid can be used for irrigation without blocking off the soil pores. The precipitated, filtered solids can be utilized as organic manure containing suitable nutrients, by the traditional technology.