A new method for injecting electric currents in a gas stream in order to charge fine dust particulates has been proposed and patented by ONERA (French Aerospace Research Institute). Laboratory studies by ECOPOL, performed since 1982, have shown that the charge collected by the fines is appreciable, and that the current can be injected in high pressure and/or high temperature gas streams. The contract mentioned above has the following objectives :


A number of processes related to dust separation can take advantage of using electrostatic charging of dust particulates to improve the overall performance of the related facility. In

Authors : J.TAILLET, R.RENNHACK Contract number : EN3F-0073-F Duration : 27 months 1st december 1987-28th february 1990 Total budget : Ecu 551.743 CEC Contribution : Ecu 291.120 Scientific Director :


Contractors : a) ECOPOL b) Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of Paderborn c) LURGI GmbH

Address : a) 26 rue du Château des Rentiers, 75013 PARIS-FRANCE b) Postfach 1621, Pohlweg 55-D4790 PADERBORN FRG c) Gwinnerstrasse 27/33-D 6000 FRANKFURT AM MAIN 60, FRG

1 —Apply in the laboratory the method to several types of dust separators (a granular bed filter, and electrostatic precipitator, a scrubber and a fabric filter) in order to determine the advantages of this new process.