In order to confirm the performance of the surcharged fill, two magnetic extensometers were installed through the foundations of the show block during construction. Magnets were located in the foundation concrete at the interface of the sand and the original fill. A datum was installed in the natural sand at the base of the fill. The results of measurements taken in these instruments during construction of the house and subsequently up to 1990 are plotted in Fig 9. From these it can be seen that apart from minor variations at about 1 mm to 2 mm which is within the accuracy limits of the measurement system, settlement of the foundations has not been recorded either during or after construction. The absence of settlement during construction is not surprising since the average foundation load is less than 25 per cent of the surcharge load which had been removed. The absence of subsequent movement confirms the information obtained from the other monitoring systems and clearly indicates that the surcharging successfully completed self-weight settlement of the fill in the pit.