Though the basic statistical theory behind modern genetics is not that difficult, most statistical genetics papers are not easy to read for beginners, and fitting formulae to a particular area of application quickly becomes very tedious. Introduction to Statistical Methods in Modern Genetics makes a clear distinction between the necessary and unnecessary complexities. The author keeps the derivations of methods simple without losing the mathematical details. He also provides the necessary background in modern genetics for newcomers to the field, including discussion ranging from biological and molecular experiments to gene hunting and genetic engineering.

chapter Chapter 1|42 pages

Background to Modern Statistical Genetics

chapter Chapter 2|54 pages

Linkage Analysis with Qualitative Trait

chapter Chapter 3|60 pages

Genetics of Quantitative Trait

chapter Chapter 4|38 pages

Special Topics

chapter Appendix A|18 pages

Statistical Results Useful in Genetics

chapter |6 pages

Answers or Hints to Exercises