In Section 2.1 we introduced the concept of a hypersubstitution of type r, as a function

which assigns to every nt-ary operation symbol f x of the type an n^-ary term cr(/;). The application of hypersubstitutions to classes of algebras of type r , and to sets of equations of type r , led to a closure operator % defined both on sets of identities and on classes of algebras. Since \ is a closure operator, the corresponding systems of closed sets form complete lattices ([67]). In Section 2.2 varieties of type r which satisfy xW] — V were called solid. The set of all solid varieties of a given type r forms a sublattice S(r) of the lattice of all varieties of this type. We also proved that every solid variety is hyperequa­ tional, meaning that every solid variety is the class of hypermodels of a set of hyperidentities of type r.