The order Rutales, including the families Rutaceae, Meliaceae, Simaroubaceae and Cneo-

raceae, is among the richest and most diverse sources of secondary metabolites in the

Angiospermae. Almost every part of the trees, leaves, bark and seeds, have long been

used for medicinal and plant protection purposes. The most characteristic metabolites of

the Rutales are limonoids, which are tetranortriterpenoids derived from tirucallane

(H-20) or euphane (H-20) triterpenoids with a 4,4,8-trimethyl-17-furanylsteroidal

skeleton. They have also attracted considerable interest because of their fascinating

structural diversity and their wide range of biological activity. In particular, they charac-

terize members of the family Meliaceae, where they are abundant and varied.