The function g satisfies all of the conditions of Lemma 2.2a and so by part (i)

By combining parts (i) and (ii) of Lemma 2.2a we obtain the inequality

and since

we obtain



By using the summation form of A, conditions (i) and (ii) follow from (7.2-2)

and (7.2-3). Finally, from the fact that

IA(Df(z0 )z0 )1 ~ IIDf(zo)zoll • we obtain II Df(z0 )z0 II :?: mil f(z0 ) II which leads to condition (iii). D

G. Kohr and P. Liczberski in 1998 extended this last lemma from the

supremum norm case f : ~ n -7 en to the arbitrary norm case f : B -7 en . We next state their result, but omit the proof since it is similar to the proof of

If r0 E (0, 1) and Zo E Br0 are chosen such that

llf(z0 )11 = Max { llf(z)ll : z E Br0 },

such that s :<:: m :<:: 1 and the following relations hold:

(ii) 11Df(z0 )z0 II = sllf(zo)ll. and

Next we consider en as an n-dimensional Hilbert space with the Euclidean inner product and norm as given in (7.2-1). The following extension of the

Jack-Miller-Mocanu lemma on the open ball Br of en was obtained in 1995

by P. Curt and C. Varga.