In this paper we construct a family of divergence-free multi wavelets. The construction follows Lemarie’s procedure. In the process we find multiresolution analyses (MRA) related by differentiation and integra­ tion to a family of biorthogonal MRAs constructed by Hardin and Marasovich. The multiscaling and multiwavelets constructed have sym­ metries and support properties which allow us to obtain biorthogo­ nal MRAs for the Sobolev space Hq([0, 1]), just by truncating the smoothened scaling functions and wavelets, and keeping those functions that have zero boundary values. These are the building blocks to con­ struct a biorthogonal basis of vector wavelets in (L2([0, l ]2))2 such that the reconstructing wavelets are divergence-free. These functions con­ stitute a Riesz basis of the L2-Sobolev space of divergence-free square integrable vector fields on the unit square having tangential boundary components.