AGE): The clearance between a package bottom's inside surface (i.e., the floor, bearing the installed substrate) and the cover cavity's inside surface. The height determining the volumetric match between an uncased hybrid microcircuit and its package after sealing. INTERNAL VISUAL: See preseal visual. INTRACONNECTIONS: Those connections of conductors made within a circuit on the same substrate. IONIC CONTAMINANT: Any contaminant that exists as ions and, when dissolved in solution, increases electrical conductivity. ION IMPLANTATION: Introducing the required dopants into a semiconductor crystalline material by accelerating charged atoms (ions) in an electric field and firing them into predetermined locations in the material. Ion implantation is more precise than doping by diffusion. ION MIGRATION: The movement of free ions within a material or across the boundary between two materials under the influence of an applied electric field. IONIZARLE MATERIAL: Material that has electrons easily detracted from atoms or molecules, thus originating ions and free electrons that will reduce the electrical resistance of the material. JUMPER. A direct electrical connection between two points on a film circuit. Jumpers are usually portions of bare or insulated wire mounted on the component side of the substrate. JUNCTION. (1) In solid state materials, a region of transition between/?- and ntype semiconductor material as in a transistor or diode. (2) A contact be-