Besides cuprous and nickel oxides, important studies on the catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation at and near room telnperature were also undertaken in the case of manganese dioxide, which is of special interest from a practical point of view as the main component of hopcalite-type catalysts. Roginsky and Zeldovich in their early paper [62] arrived at the conclusion that this reaction proceeds by the interaction between chemisorbed carbon monoxide and oxygen from gas phase. Brooks [63], when comparing the "heterogeneous" oxidation of CO on Mn02 with "depletive" oxidation (oxidation of CO by the reduction of the oxide), found a first-order reaction and similar activation energies in both cases and interpreted the observed facts in favor of the Eley-Rideal mechanism in a similar way as was proposed in [62]. Klier and Kuchynka [64] showed that oxidation of carbon monoxide by the lattice oxygen of Mn02 is a rapid process producing gaseous and, to SOlne extent, adsorbed carbon dioxide, the subsequent reoxidation being a very difficult reaction step. This behavior is markedly different from that of NiO and MnO.