Furthermore, microelectrodes for new measurable solutes were presented (Centonze et al., 1992; Cronenberg and van den Heuvel, 1991; Revsbech et al., 1988; Sweerts and de Beer, 1989).

Nitrate gradients could be measured in the littoral and profundal sediments of a mesoeutrophic lake with an ion-selective nitrate microelectrode (Sweerts and de Beer, 1989). The diffusion coefficient for glucose could be determined in a biocatalyst gel bead by measuring glucose profiles with a glucose enzyme microelectrode (Cronenberg and van den Heuvel, 1991). With a combined N20/oxygen-microelectrode, the conditions for denitrification in trickling fil­ ter biofilms could be formulated in detail (Dalsgaard and Revsbech, 1992). The microelectrode technique has become an important tool in biofilm re­ search. Because of its high sensitivity, the oxygen microelectrode is still the most used microelectrode in this research area. The purpose of this chapter is to show the fundamental properties o f oxygen microelectrodes. Furthermore, the biofilm tube reactor that was constructed especially for microelectrode

measurements under defined flow conditions is presented. Some results o f re­ cent studies are also presented to show the advantages o f the m icroelectrode.