Abstract The EC Construction Products Directive of 1988 specifies a number of essential requirements

which must be taken into account when European standards for construction materials are written. The CEN committee for cement, TC51, has prepared the European prestandard for common cements ENV 197-1. Clause 9 of that prestandard, relating to conformity criteria, has been revised and incorporated into the draft standard prEN 197-1:1994. For attestation that a cement conforms to the clause 9 criteria, a scheme has been developed which leads to certification of conformity by an approved certification body. The scheme is based upon autocontrol testing and factory production control operated by the manufacturer and assessed by the approved certification body, together with independent testing of audit samples. The early, draft version of the scheme has been adopted in a number of countries, and in the UK, forms the basis of the BSI Kitemark Scheme for Cement. The final draft of the scheme was awarded the status of a European prestandard-ENV 197-2 at the June 1994 meeting of CEN/TC51. The eventual, harmonised standards, EN 197-1 and EN 197-2 will, together, form a coherent system for attestation of conformity, leading to CE marking of cements.