This chapter provides S-PLUS functions for estimating the magnitude and rank positions of response data that have been right-censored in the presence of one or more explanatory variables. It discusses the Buckley-James method for censored regression to the p-sample problem where the samples are subject to right-censoring. The right-censored samples are reconstructed so as to remove the effect of censoring and graphical procedures based on quintiles may then be used as a standard data-analytic tool to describe the variable being measured. However, it must be remembered that a necessary condition for the consistency of the slope parameter is that the expected number of censored and uncensored residuals be large over the support of the residual distribution. The renovated data needs to be rearmed as the censored points will all be larger. That is, the renovation process changes the order in the data. Box plots are particularly visually appropriate for renovated data because such plots are based on ranks.