Note also that, the enumeration of distributions of indistinguishable balls

into indistinguishable urns is merely a partition enumeration problem.

In this chapter, after the introduction of the notion of a partition of a

positive integer n, recurrence relations and generating functions for the to-

tal number of partitions of n and the numbers of partitions of n into k and

into at most k parts are derived. Then, a universal generating function for

the number of partitions of n into parts of specied or unspecied number,

whose number of parts of any specic size belongs to a subset of non-

negative integers, is obtained. As applications of this generating function

several interesting sequences of partition numbers are presented. Further-

more, relations connecting various partition numbers are deduced by using

their generating functions. Also, after introducing the Ferrers diagram of

a partition and the notion of a conjugate (and a self-conjugate) partition,

additional interrelations among certain partition numbers are derived. Eu-

ler's pentagonal theorem on the dierence of the number of partitions of n

into an even number of unequal parts and the number of partitions of n into

an odd number of unequal parts is obtained. The last section is devoted

to the derivation of combinatorial identities; the Euler and Gauss-Jacobi

identities are deduced. As a complement to this subject, a collection of

exercises on q-numbers, q-factorials and q-binomial coeÆcients, as well as

on q-Stirling numbers of the rst and second kind, is provided.