This paper reports resu lts of an in vestiga tion in to the strength and behaviour of fu ll s ize reinforced concrete beams containing stee l fib res and tested under combined bending, shear and torsion . Eighteen beams with id en tica l cross-section and longitudenal reinforcement were tested to fa ilu r e . The rrain variab les studied in the experimental progranme were fib re content and loading ra tio . Measurements of d e fle c tio n s , rotations and concrete stra in were made. From te s ts r e su lts , an empirical formula is proposed for the pred iction of the u ltim ate capacity of FRC beams under conbined loading. R esults from previous te s ts by the f ir s t two authors and other re su lts reported in the litera tu re strongly supported the v a lid ity of the proposed formula.