Faddick (39), and Worcester and Denny (40). In addition to particle degradation, these wheels can be used to obtain slurry head loss and pipe wear data. Using a Toroid Wheel, Worcester and Denny studied the process of grinding of coal and developed the following expression:

L « V3 • Dz (over the velocity range 2.5 m/s to 3.4 m/s)

where L is the mass of particles below 6.35 mm V is the mean slurry velocity D is the distance travelled by the slurry

The comparison made by Traynis (35), between the degradation rates and hydraulic head losses measured in a wheel and those measured in a 10 km pipeline showed good agreement; these observations support the view that the wheel simulates tolerably well the processes occurring in horizontal pipeline transport. Traynis conducted a large number of experiments on his wheel rig and obtained the following expression for degradation:

which relates the quantity of solids RL retained on a screen having an aperture size d and the distance pumped L; a, m, b and c are empirical coefficients which depend on the coal characteristics.