During take off, cruise flight and landing the aircraft interacts with different types of environment: radar, navigation facilities, airports, other air crafts airport equipment, weather phenomenon etc. Aircraft as a system includes some subsystems: aircraft equipment such as engines and rudders, ailerons, flaps etc., fuel subsystem, cockpit equipment with navigation subsystem, captain and his crew, passengers, cargo load etc. All these components can have the different initial state and only under the specific initial state the safety of launching and flight is possible. During flight all components are changed: the aircraft components have fatigue, the engine may be inoperative, fuel may become critical, adverse weather conditions may develop, passengers may hijack the aircraft, pilot may be fatigued or ill etc., but safety must be ensured. All these factors compel us to examine the aircraft as the adaptive nonlinear system. The integral adaptive approach is new and firstly we are considering the adaptational maximum phenomenon (Figure 1).