Sweetening compounds are classied into two main categories, caloric (or bulk) and noncaloric (or intense) sweeteners. Intense sweeteners are primarily synthetic, which provide no bulk to food and present even greater sweetness than sucrose (Kokotou et al. 2012a; Yebra-Biurrun 2005). The synthetic (or articial) intense sweeteners are aspartame (ASP), neotame (NEO), advantame (ADV), alitame (ALI), acesulfame (ACS), saccharine (SAC), cyclamate (CYC), dulcin (DUC), and sucralose (SCL); their molecular structures are shown in Figure 11.1. Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is a semisynthetic intense sweetener, while glycyrrhizin, stevioside (STV), rebaudioside A (REB), and thaumatin (THA) are natural intense sweeteners (Pawar et al. 2013; Tada et al. 2013).