The data antiCipate effects and to that patterns of disease are related to climate are generally l ong time series of both epidemio­ logical and climate data collected in comparable temporal and units. Careful analysis of such data enables the understanding of the climate and disease links, and

development epidemiological that include variables . models are IIIvanous of development evaluation . completed, models should be able describe weather cond itions that the risk of outbrG1ks of spec ific diseases. The ability to accurately forecast weather conditions months in advance may enable prediction of higher disease and will al low steps to be taken to prevent or minimize such outbreaks . These models are still in the beginning phases of development, and considerable work will be requ ired before their potential can be

realized . and outbreaks occurnng

�malysis, and d i ' c;crnination to who can take Thus to anticipate climate effects are somewhat different from those to detect

and monitor outbreaks, and the differences are not always well understood.