Movies are made by piecing together video clips, which are short segments of video produced when you render an animation. How to render animation sequences to video has been described in Chapter 8. You can also make use of the Blender’s “Scenes” feature as described in Chapter 1. This feature is extremely useful for movie making. When you create an animation sequence in the 3D window the sequence is created in the default “Scene.” Adding a new scene to the Blender file by pressing the plus sign to the right of the scene panel gives you options for the new scene. If you were to select “Full Copy” everything in the original scene is copied to the new scene, which is then named Scene.001 (you may rename the scenes to something more meaningful if you wish). Having copied everything to the new scene you can modify the scene. If you have an animation sequence it can be modified. All object models in the original scene are in the new scene and can be modified. By creating new scenes with different animation sequences and rendering the animations to video files you create a series of video sequences, which can be combined and edited into a movie file.