While emerging technologies create massive opportunity, especially for investors and companies that seek more adaptable forms of economic growth than currently available, value is held inert by traditional approaches, patents, and other closed systems. Yet, open data, content, and information may be the key to mass innovation for future technologies, although they bring difficult challenges to private-industry models that depend on the established ideas of intellectual property.

It is from this foundational observation that OpenXFORM (a blending of the words Open and the engineering abbreviation for Transformation) was developed and is explored and described in this book. The intent of the model design is to synthesize an approach to the process of innovation, inspired by natural systems and human-centric design processes. OpenXFORM describes how an open system of innovation can adapt to the unregulated world of information, data, and content; can decompose its own information to release to the open world; and can discover ways to find the points of synergy among the studied and tested methodologies that put human relationships first.

This book presents an explicit innovation process that shows how to move from a breakthrough idea through a process that encourages innovative thinkers to test their assumptions, validate hypotheses, and tune and tweak their ideas, not only to drive solutions for users but also to meet the strategic goals of their companies. The anatomy of innovation through OpenXFORM contains the process for moving ideas from a flight of fancy to an explicit concept that is ready to produce.

part I|120 pages

Section One OpenXFORM: Evolutionary Model for Innovation

chapter 1|17 pages

Reconsidering Information Freedom

chapter 2|15 pages

What Open and Free Means to Innovation

chapter 3|15 pages

Innovation in an Open World

chapter 4|23 pages

Chapter Four Innovation Is Natural

chapter 5|15 pages

Building an Ecosystem

chapter 6|13 pages

An Evolutionary Model for Innovation

chapter 101|14 pages

Section One: Review of Themes and Concepts

part II|107 pages

Section Two The Anatomy of OpenXFORM

chapter 7|19 pages

Setting Organizational Intention

chapter 8|25 pages

OpenXFORM : Ideate

chapter 9|16 pages


chapter 10|19 pages

OpenXFORM :Transform

chapter 11|13 pages

Practicing Innovation

chapter 102|9 pages

Section Two Review of Themes and Concepts