An Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube is a database that is built for high-speed reporting and analysis. OLAP Database sizes are based on the Facts or Measures and the number of Dimensions only and not the size of the Database Source. An OLAP Online viewer is automatically enabled when accessing any of the available FedScope OLAP Cubes. The calculations on all three Measures/Facts of Average Salary, Employment, and Average Length of Service have been automatically included with no time needed for processing. This is a result of Measures calculated along all Dimensions when the OLAP Multidimensional Cube is built. Gender-Based Pay Equity Research is the primary research endeavor used in the Tutorials with findings that reveal true underpinnings missing in nearly all Gender Pay Equity research to date. The actual Gender-Based Differences are actually in Occupation and Job Level mobility rather than wages and salaries based on Comparable Worth Analysis of Gender-Based Occupation Differences.