Arm motion planning packages exist in robot operating system (ROS), and the sophistication and breadth of options may be expected to grow. This chapter describes a single example planning approach to illustrate how arm motion planning can integrate within a ROS-based hierarchy. Robot arm motion planning is a broad field with a variety of sub-problems. The chapter also describes the approach composed of two layers: a Cartesian-space planner and an underlying joint-space planner. One example planning approach that is applicable to kinematically redundant robots was presented using dynamic programming. With respect to our joint-space planning problem, the chapter interprets each layer as a six-DOF task-space pose sampled along a specified Cartesian path. The objective is to move the tool flange forward along this path, example performing a cutting operation. The chapter shows how Cartesian-motion planners can be embedded in action servers, and these action servers can refer to generic gripper and system reference frames.