This book is based on many years of teaching statistical and thermal physics. It assumes no previous knowledge of thermodynamics, kinetic theory, or probability---the only prerequisites are an elementary knowledge of classical and modern physics, and of multivariable calculus. The first half of the book introduces the subject inductively but rigorously, proceeding from the concrete and specific to the abstract and general. In clear physical language the book explains the key concepts, such as temperature, heat, entropy, free energy, chemical potential, and distributions, both classical and quantum. The second half of the book applies these concepts to a wide variety of phenomena, including perfect gases, heat engines, and transport processes. Each chapter contains fully worked examples and real-world problems drawn from physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, electronics, and mechanical engineering.

chapter 1|4 pages


chapter 2|26 pages

Temperature, Work, and Heat

chapter 3|14 pages

Macrostates and Microstates

chapter 8|12 pages

Perfect Gases

chapter 9|26 pages

Ideal Gases and Solutions

chapter 10|20 pages

Black Body Radiation and the Photon Gas

chapter 12|20 pages

The Perfect Fermi Gas

chapter 13|22 pages

Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors

chapter 14|46 pages

Phase Transitions

chapter 15|24 pages

Heat Engines

chapter 16|26 pages

Transport Processes