General Discussion The standard six-piece burr consists of six notched square sticks of arbitrary equal length, not less than three times their width, arranged symmetrically in three mutually perpendicular intersecting pairs. If the square cross-section of the sticks has a dimension of two units, then all notches are one unit deep and one unit wide or some exact multiple. To

put it another way, all notches can be regarded as being made by removal of discrete cubic units, or to put it still another way, all pieces can be regarded as being built of cubic units. All of the notches are made within the region of intersection with the other sticks, so that when the puzzle is assembled no notches show and it has apparent symmetry (Figure 78). The six-piece burr is actually a large family of designs, since the designer has a wide choice of how to notch each of the pieces. Over the years, variations of the six-piece burr have received much attention from puzzle inventors and authors. Directions for making them can be found in many books and magazines. Several different versions have been manufactured and patented. The earliest U.S. patent is No. 1,225,760 of Brown, dated 1917, with several others following shortly thereafter. Most toy and novelty stores have a few burr puzzles on their shelves or in their catalogs. Traditionally, these have been uninspired timeworn versions with a sliding key piece and internal symmetries. Consequently, this fi ne puzzle has suffered a chronically tarnished image. To make matters worse, over the years many inventors have tinkered with bizarre embellishments to give the basic burr puzzle their own stamp of identity. The patent fi les reveal many such ill-conceived contraptions, including those with strings and holes, hidden pins, rotating keys, and other secret locking devices. Evidently taking their cue from certain composers of modern “music,” they have thrown in odd intervals, incongruously sharpened or fl attened pieces, confusingly large numbers of parts in hopeless disharmony with each other, and other jarring complications. Within the last few decades, though, the six-piece burr has emerged from this decadent period to become once again the quintessential interlocking puzzle, thanks largely to the work of Bill Cutler .