Origin of Botanical Extracts 90

Extraction Process 90

Total Extracts 91

Selective Extracts 91

Purification 91

Biotechnology Extracts 92

Usage 92

Activity 92

Antioxidants 92

Lipids of the Epidermis and Barrier Function 93

Fat Storage and Slimming 94

Antiage 95

Conclusion 96

Acknowledgment 97

References 97

The existence of the word “cosmeceuticals” is very much linked to the US FDA

definition of drugs and cosmetics in the 1938 FD&C Act. One can only speculate

as to why 60 years of scientific knowledge and research have been ignored by the

FDA in not revising the definition! The European Commission has been wiser

and its 1976 definition of cosmetics was modified in 1993 to acknowledge the fact

that everything put on the skin or hair may have a physiological effect (1). It puts

the responsibility on the industry to ascertain product safety and efficacy (claims

justification) (2).