Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA TOPALIX, Topical Product Development, San Francisco, California, USA

Introduction 38

Constitutive Skin Antioxidants 39

Water-Soluble Antioxidants 39

Ascorbate 39

Glutathione 42

Urate 44

Lipid-Soluble Antioxidants 44

Vitamin E 44

Ubiquinols/Ubiquinones (“Coenzyme Q”) 45 Carotenoids and Vitamin A 48

Enzymatic Antioxidant Systems 49

Enzymatic GHS System 49

Superoxide Dismutases 50

Catalase 51

Effect of Environmental Stressors on Skin Antioxidants 51

Hydrophilic Skin Antioxidants 52

Lipophilic Skin Antioxidants 53

Enzymatic Skin Antioxidants 54

Role of Antioxidants in the Photoprotection of Skin 55

Topical Application of Antioxidants 55

Vitamin E 55

Vitamin C 63

Other Antioxidants 63

Antioxidant Combinations 70

Topical Application of Antioxidants after UVR Exposure 73

Topical Application of Substances Other than Conventional

Antioxidants 74

Summary and Conclusion 74

Acknowledgments 75

References 75


As the outermost organ of the body, the skin is frequently and directly exposed to

a pro-oxidative environment, including ultraviolet radiation, drugs, and air pollu-

tants (1). Besides dealing with external inducers of oxidative attack, the skin has

to cope with endogenous generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other

free radicals, which are continuously produced during physiological cellular

metabolism. To counteract the harmful effects of ROS, the skin is equipped

with antioxidant systems, which maintain an equilibrium between pro-and
