Winner of NAGC's 2021 Book of the Year Award

This edited book, written by authors with extensive experience in working with gifted students from low-income households, focuses on ways to translate the latest research and theory into evidence-supported practices that impact how schools identify and serve these students. Readers will:

  • Learn about evidence-supported identification systems, tools, and strategies for finding students from low-income households.
  • Discover curriculum models, resources, and instructional strategies found effective from projects focused on supporting these students.
  • Understand the important role that intra- and interpersonal skills, ethnicity/race, families, school systems, and communities play.
  • Consider the perceptions of gifted students who grew up in low-income households.
  • Learn how educators can use their experiences to strengthen current services.

Unlocking Potential is the go-to resource for an up-to-date overview of best practices in identification, curriculum, instruction, community support, and program design for gifted learners from low-income households.

Foreword Chapter 1: Poverty, Academic Achievement, and Giftedness:A Literature Review Chapter 2: Intersections of Culture, Context, and Race With Poverty: Implications for Services for Gifted Learners From Low-Income Backgrounds Chapter 3: Macro-Identification Approaches and Systems for Students From Low-Income Backgrounds Chapter 4: Micro-Identification Processes Chapter 5: A Curriculum Design Model for Students From Low-Income Households 109 Chapter 6 : Instructional Strategies to Support Learners From Low-Income Backgrounds: The Humanities Chapter 7: Instructional Strategies to Support Talented Students From Low-Income Households: The STEM Fields Chapter 8: Effective Intervention Models to Support the Talent Development of Students From Low-Income Households Beyond the School Day Chapter 9: Effective Strategies for Career Counseling of Gifted Learners From Low-Income Backgrounds Chapter 10: Teaching Psychosocial Skills and Modeling Habits of Achievement Chapter 11: Tapping Into Family Resources to Support Gifted Learners From Low-Income Backgrounds Chapter 12: A Systems Approach to Identifying and Serving Gifted Learners From Low-Income Backgrounds Chapter 13: Voices and Reflections About the Editors About the Authors