Figure 2 (a) Effects of N fertilizer on wheat total shoot biomass. Simulated (lines) and observed (symbols) for N1, (circle —) and N3 (triangle - - -) fertilizer treatments at the Eest, Netherlands, 1983. The arrow indicates the date of observed anthesis. Observed data after Groot and Verberne (1991). Source: Asseng et al. (2000). (b) Simulated wheat grain yields to explore the wheat production potential of a current non-agricultural region using APSIM-Nwheat. Simulations are from 1937 to 2005 for a location west of the current wheat-growing region of Argentina, which received increasing rainfall over the past 70 years, for three soils (A: fine sand, B: coarse sand and C: loam) using a current modern cultivar and a summer fallow. The crops were sown every year on June 5, with a 100 kg N ha-1 fertilizer application. Simulations were reset each year; simulated yield variation and trend are because of rainfall variability and trend. Source: Modified after Asseng et al. (2013b).