Rice is a major global source of nutrients for many reasons. It is the staple food for many people, supplying the majority of carbohydrates and protein consumed each day. In many countries, there is now widespread understanding that rice with the bran layer intact provides a host of nutritional benefits because of the wealth of minerals and phytochemicals present inside the bran layer (Dipti et al., 2012). As a whole grain, rice is an attractive option for food processors because it does not contain the widely allergenic properties of wheat or soy, although some people do have an allergic response to one of the proteins. An additional nutritional opportunity rice offers is to address a host of chronic diseases associated with malnutrition. Interestingly, and perhaps counter-intuitively, malnutrition includes both under-and over-nutrition. Rice can contribute to solutions for both of these conditions. In some areas significant progress has already been made, whilst, in other areas, more needs to be done. These opportunities for rice in contributing solutions to the problem of malnutrition will form the focus of this chapter.