Sheep are naturally grazers and their diverse traditional forages include mountain herbs, native or improved pastures as well as crops (e.g. brassica and lucerne). Where sheep cannot be grazed and they must be penned or housed, fodder (e.g. hay, silage and pellets) from a wide variety of plants (e.g. grass, clover, maize, brassica and cereals) is provided. The ultimate extension of this is total mixed ration (TMR), a diet formulated from locally available fodder and grain sources and designed to provide nutrition for each class of stock appropriate to its needs (e.g. dry, pregnant and lactating). Table 1 summarises traditional and modern sheep production systems around the world. Traditionally, sheep milk has often been used for artisan cheese production but nowadays there is also strong

demand for liquid milk, sheep milk powder, yoghurt, ice cream and specialised products such as infant formula.