Biology and ecology of rice-feeding insects: panicle feeders E. A. Heinrichs, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; F. E. Nwilene, The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Nigeria; M. Stout, Louisiana State University, USA; B. A. R. Hadi, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), The Philippines; T. Freitas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Stink bugs

5.3 Alydid bugs

5.4 Rice bugs

5.5 Aspavia

5.6 Southern green stink bug

5.7 Rice stink bugs

5.8 Earwigs

5.9 Blister beetles

5.10 Panicle thrips

5.11 References

Insects that attack rice panicles can be classified into those that feed on the floral parts (mostly the pollen) and the stink bugs that suck the milk-like sap from the developing grains. Insects that feed on the floral parts, such as earwigs, blister beetles and panicle thrips, prevent the spikelet from filling and thus it remains empty and aborts.