80 Lateral (80a) and craniocaudal (80b) views of a positive contrast fistulo gram of the stifle region of an eight-year-old, spayed female Yorkshire Terrier that had an extra - cap sular suture technique performed six months previously to stabilize its CCL defi - cient stifle. The dog be came acutely non-weight-bearing on the limb three weeks ago and has a draining tract on the lateral aspect of the involved stifle. i. What materials have been described for use as extracapsular ‘sutures’? List advan - tages and disadvantages of each material. ii. What anatomic placement of the suture results in the least change in the instant center of motion of the stifle joint? iii. What complication has occurred in this dog, and how can the incidence of this com - plication be decreased?