Boxer puppy presented with a two-week history of incoordination, initially in the hindlimbs but eventually involving the forelimbs, which had progressed to paralysis. There was no history of vomiting or diarrhoea, exposure to toxins or rubbish eating and the dog had only been allowed access to the owner’s garden. Two days prior to referral the pup developed dysphagia. On presentation the pup was recumbent (39) but bright and alert. He was unable to stand due to a flaccid paralysis affecting all four limbs. No voluntary movement of the limbs was possible and no spinal reflexes (e.g. patella, withdrawal or panniculus reflexes) could be elicited. All conscious proprioceptive reflexes were absent. Marked abdominal breathing was evident and the gag reflex was reduced. All other cranial nerves appeared unaffected. The pup was faecally and urinary continent and was able to feel pain. The rectal temperature was unremarkable and cardiovascular criteria were within normal limits. i. What diagnoses would you consider? ii. What diagnostic tests would you recommend? iii. How would you treat your most likely diagnosis?