Definition/Overview Rare glomerulonephritis and multifocal non - suppurative interstitial nephritis can be caused by Klossiella equi (Marcato 1977).

Aetiology Klossiella equi is a renal protozoan parasite of equids, including zebras (Suedmeyer et al. 2006) and donkeys (Karanja et al. 1995). Developmental stages include micro-and macrogametocytes in syzygy (preparing to form gametes), sporonts with multiple (20-30) oval to spindle-shaped beginning sporoblasts within parasitic vacuoles, sporoblasts containing multiple spherical to slightly ovoid 5 μm sporocysts within a sacculated tubular epithelial cell, and a late sporoblast composed of a central spherical structure (15 μm) surrounded by a rosette of 20-30 spindle-shaped structures (10 μm). Both gametogony (sexual) and sporogony (asexual) stages can be seen. However, the definitive life cycle of Klossiella equi is still unknown (Anderson & Picut 1988).