Reproduction is a complex process requiring exquisite integration of signals along the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in both sexes. To be successful, functional gametes must be produced, matured, released, and transported effectively. Speci•c behavioral repertoires also must be executed precisely to ensure ef•cient mating and fertilization. Our current state of knowledge about the physiological, biochemical, and molecular orchestration of reproduction is captured in many excellent reference volumes [1-5]. Based on this understanding, male reproductive function would be expected to be impacted by chemicals that act through a variety of mechanisms, including disruption of the spermatogenic cycle in dividing cells (spermatogonia) as well as those undergoing meiotic processes (spermatocytes); damage to DNA, especially during DNA repair-de•cient stages (condensed spermatids); and interference with a vast array of endocrine and paracrine signaling pathways vital to the regulation and integration of reproductive function.