In 1996, Mrs Seale, aged 38, gave birth to a baby boy as a result of IVF treatment paid for privately by an anonymous business benefactor (see the Seale case, above, p 191). The HFEA 1990 does not say that there is an age limit on recipients of IVF treatment. However, age is a factor which may be taken into account by ethics committees when reviewing applications for this treatment. Age limits are included by many clinics and the latest HFEA Code of Practice includes the ages of the parties seeking treatment, and this is linked to ‘their likely future ability to look after or provide for a child’s needs’ (para 3.17 of the HFEA Code of Practice 1995). The IVF unit of St Mary’s Hospital stipulates that they will only treat couples where the female is less than 40 and the male is less than 50.