Council Regulation 259/93/EEC (Supervision and Control of Shipments of Wastes) and EC Directive 97/12073 came into force on 6 May 1994 and have as their aim the comprehensive regulation of the movement of all waste within, into and out of the EU. The Regulation implements the Basle Convention and OECD Decision on the trans-frontier shipment of waste. The shipment of hazardous waste destined for final disposal to non-OECD countries is prohibited. This is to prevent EU and non-OECD operators from dumping hazardous waste in developing countries.74 Waste for disposal within the EU requires prior authorisation. The principles of self-sufficiency (disposal by Member States of their own waste) and proximity (local waste disposal) will also apply. The treatment of wastes for recovery operations within the EU will depend on the listing of the wastes in question. Those listed as ‘green’ will be largely excluded from the Regulation; those listed as ‘amber’ will be subject to a prior notification requirement; and those listed as ‘red’ will require prior authorisation.75