There is little point in reading about or watching an event if you do not reflect on it, and it is this reflective process that is probably the most important. Reflection allows the student of citizenship to make comments about their experience; not just comments, but informed comments. Through this process of reflecting, thinking and evaluating what you have actively been involved with, you will be able to understand why things happen in the way they do, why this process and not that process occurs and, from this reflection, you will be able to evaluate and to judge and to question the activities in which you have been involved. Those inside a group know why they act and behave in the way that they do. Outsiders do not understand why. They can describe, but they will not fully understand. Insider knowledge is invaluable in understanding the processes and actions of those inside. It allows you to see things from ‘their point of view’, to understand things from ‘their point of view’. The insider can ask the questions that the outsider would not even have thought to ask.