Lord Hewart CJ: ... The fact is, as the evidence shows, that the appellant is an alien. She has a French passport, which bears this statement under the date 14 March 1933, ‘Leave to land granted at Folkestone this day on condition that the holder does not enter any employment, paid or unpaid, while in the United Kingdom’, but on 22 March that condition was varied and one finds these words: ‘The condition attached to the grant of leave to land is hereby varied so as to require departure from the United Kingdom not later than 22 March 1933’. Then follows the signature of an Under-Secretary of State. In fact, the appellant went to the Irish Free State and afterwards, in circumstances which are perfectly immaterial, so far as this appeal is concerned, came back to Holyhead. She was at Holyhead on 21 April 1933, a date after the day limited by the condition on her passport ...