The quality of the legal product is defined partly by the lawyer, who specifies what needs to be done in order that the legal work is done correctly and efficiently, and partly by the client, who should be asked to specify his requirements at the outset of the case and to assess the level of his satisfaction during and at the end of the case. This is the key aspect of the new understanding of quality – that the client is integrally involved in determining what is to be done, thereby determining the quality of the matter. The writ needs to be issued in a certain form and in a certain way and over this aspect of quality you – the lawyer and the law – have control. Whether or not you will actually serve the writ once it has been issued is a client matter. The progress and features of the case are to a large extent determined by the client. The quality of the product is determined by the client in discussion and agreement with the solicitor. Satisfaction is determined by the client alone.