There are a number of restrictions on bankrupts, and you would commit a criminal offence if you breached them. It is a criminal offence, among other things, for you: ❍ to obtain credit (goods, cash or services) over £500

(either on your own or with anyone else) without first disclosing to the person from whom you are obtaining credit that you are a bankrupt;

❍ to fail to disclose details of all of your property to the Official Receiver (OR) or Trustee in Bankruptcy or fail to disclose details of any transactions previously entered into that could be attacked as antecedent transactions (see above);

❍ to conceal property (or books or papers) or fail to deliver up property when requested to do so by the OR or Trustee;

to leave) England and Wales with any property worth more than £1,000 to which the Trustee is entitled;

❍ to dispose of property purchased on credit that has not been paid for in the 12 months prior to bankruptcy;

❍ to trade in a name which is not a name in which you were made bankrupt, unless you tell the supplier or customer you are a bankrupt; or

❍ to be, or act in any way as if you are, a company director or be involved directly or indirectly in the

formation, promotion or management of a company. Do not try to be clever; do not name your partner (married or not) as a director and then manage the business yourself in the background. Any person who acts on the instructions of a bankrupt in relation to a company may be personally liable for all of the company’s debts.