The CC is required to conduct its investigation and prepare and produce its report within 24 weeks of the reference, although this may be extended by no more than eight weeks. A merger reference may be laid aside by the CC if the merger has been abandoned following the reference.183 Upon receiving a reference, four or five members, with a minimum of three, are appointed by the Chairman of the CC to form an inquiry group and one of the group is selected as Chairman of that inquiry. Each inquiry group has the ability to decide upon its own procedures; however, decisions must be made and published within statutory time limits. The main stages of inquiries are as follows: (a) gathering information, including the issue of questionnaires; (b) hearing witnesses; (c) verifying information; (d) providing an issues statement; (e) considering responses to the issues statement; (f) notifying parties of and publishing provisional findings, including possible

remedies; (g) considering exclusions from disclosure; and (h) publishing reports.