This declaration brings together a set of proposals worked on during 2003 and 2004, and closely bound up with the World Campaign for In-depth Reform of the System of International Institutions, since they were gradually given shape through the presentation and public-consultation stages of the Campaign within world civil society and through contact with other processes pursuing similar aims, such as the Montreal International Forum, the International Facilitating Group on Financing for Development, the Global Progressive Forum, the World Governance project, etc. This declaration was not intended to be a closed proposal: rather it was to serve as a starting point for debating and disseminating proposals relating to the reform of the system of international institutions. It was presented for the first time on I April 2004 in the London School of Economics (LSE), with the support of 47 persons and organizations, headed by Federico Mayor, Boutros Boutros Ghali and Javier Pérez de Cuellar.